Born in 1953, Dhiren Sasmal has worked as artist, designer and illustrator, his immense talent and mastery over his medium leading him to win awards in every sphere of artistic activity, be it applied or fine art. His paintings can be found in galleries and collections in India, Australia, U.S.A., U.K., Belgium, France and Germany.
Sasmal is a meditative painter, who can skilfully transform a formal structure into an innocent and ethereal world of fantasy-oriented beauty.
His works are diverse, his colours and style reflecting the structure of the source. When he works with folktales of Bengal, his paintings reflect the sobriety of Bengal art; while working with European themes, his fantasy art takes on an expressionist or surrealist form. He often disintegrates forms, makes them geometrical and then breaks the form, yet this scattering within the pictorial space remains integrated.....this is the mastery of the artist.
"Water Baby" is inspired by the inner world of the child. A child’s reality contains an entirely different structure from our day-to-day mundane lives, for it lives in an environment of myth and fantasy.
For the artist, this state of innocence is the primary condition of his creativity.